Flashcards on History of Biology

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Who is considered the father of modern biology?

Gregor Mendel

Which scientist discovered the process of fermentation?

Louis Pasteur

Who proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection?

Charles Darwin

Which scientist first observed and named cells?

Robert Hooke

Who discovered the double helix structure of DNA?

James Watson and Francis Crick

Who is considered the founder of modern medicine?


Which scientist proposed the theory of spontaneous generation?

Francesco Redi

Who discovered penicillin?

Alexander Fleming

Which scientist first suggested the idea of atomic theory in biology?

John Dalton

Who proposed the concept of inheritance based on genetic units called genes?

Gregor Mendel

Which scientist discovered and named the phenomenon of osmosis?

Jean-Antoine Nollet

Who developed the first vaccine for smallpox?

Edward Jenner

Which scientist first described the structure and function of chloroplasts in plants?

Julius von Sachs

Who discovered the antibiotic streptomycin?

Selman Waksman

Which scientist conducted the famous experiment with fruit flies to study genetics?

Thomas Hunt Morgan


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Test Your Knowledge

Who is considered the founder of modern medicine?

Who discovered the double helix structure of DNA?

What did Gregor Mendel study to establish the basic principles of genetics?

Who proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection?

Which scientist discovered and named the phenomenon of osmosis?

Who proposed the concept of inheritance based on genetic units called genes?

What did Thomas Hunt Morgan study to make his groundbreaking contributions to genetics?

Who discovered the process of fermentation?

Which scientist first observed and named cells?

Who discovered penicillin?

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