Flashcards on History of the Space Race

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What were the two superpowers involved in the Space Race?

The United States and the Soviet Union.

Who was the first person to orbit the Earth?

Yuri Gagarin, a Soviet astronaut.

Who was the first American to orbit the Earth?

John Glenn.

What was the name of the spacecraft that the United States used to send humans to the Moon?

The Apollo spacecraft.

Who was the first person to walk on the Moon?

Neil Armstrong.

What was the name of the Soviet spacecraft that was the first to orbit the Moon?

Luna 10.

What was the name of the Soviet spacecraft that was the first to impact the Moon?

Luna 2.

What was the name of the astronaut who famously said, 'That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind'?

Neil Armstrong.

What was the name of the mission that saw the explosion of the Apollo 13 spacecraft?

Apollo 13.

What was the name of the spacecraft that carried the first crew to live in orbit around the Earth?

The Soviet Vostok 1 spacecraft.

Who was the first woman in space?

Valentina Tereshkova, a Soviet astronaut.

What was the name of the Soviet lunar lander that was the first to land on the Moon?

Luna 9.

What was the name of the space shuttle that was destroyed during the launch of the STS-51-L mission?

The Challenger.

What was the name of the Soviet satellite that was the first to orbit the Earth?

Sputnik 1.

What was the name of the American satellite that was the first to be launched into orbit?

Explorer 1.

What were the two superpowers involved in the Space Race?

The United States and the Soviet Union.

Who was the first person to orbit the Earth?

Yuri Gagarin, a Soviet astronaut.

Who was the first American to orbit the Earth?

John Glenn.

What was the name of the spacecraft that the United States used to send humans to the Moon?

The Apollo spacecraft.

Who was the first person to walk on the Moon?

Neil Armstrong.

What was the name of the Soviet spacecraft that was the first to orbit the Moon?

Luna 10.

What was the name of the Soviet spacecraft that was the first to impact the Moon?

Luna 2.

What was the name of the astronaut who famously said, 'That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind'?

Neil Armstrong.

What was the name of the mission that saw the explosion of the Apollo 13 spacecraft?

Apollo 13.

What was the name of the spacecraft that carried the first crew to live in orbit around the Earth?

The Soviet Vostok 1 spacecraft.

Who was the first woman in space?

Valentina Tereshkova, a Soviet astronaut.

What was the name of the Soviet lunar lander that was the first to land on the Moon?

Luna 9.

What was the name of the space shuttle that was destroyed during the launch of the STS-51-L mission?

The Challenger.

What was the name of the Soviet satellite that was the first to orbit the Earth?

Sputnik 1.

What was the name of the American satellite that was the first to be launched into orbit?

Explorer 1.


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