Flashcards on Hotkeys for working with text

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What are hotkeys used for?

Hotkeys are used to perform actions quickly by pressing a combination of keys on the keyboard.

Why are hotkeys important for text editing?

Hotkeys help save time and improve efficiency when working with text.

What is the hotkey for copying selected text?

Ctrl + C

What is the hotkey for pasting copied text?

Ctrl + V

What is the hotkey for cutting selected text?

Ctrl + X

What is the hotkey for undoing the last action?

Ctrl + Z

What is the hotkey for redoing the last undone action?

Ctrl + Y

What is the hotkey for selecting all text?

Ctrl + A

What is the hotkey for opening the find and replace dialog?

Ctrl + F

What is the hotkey for saving a document?

Ctrl + S

What is the hotkey for closing a document or window?

Ctrl + W

What is the hotkey for opening a new document or window?

Ctrl + N

What is the hotkey for printing a document?

Ctrl + P

What is the hotkey for bold formatting?

Ctrl + B

What is the hotkey for italic formatting?

Ctrl + I


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What is the hotkey for copying selected text?

What is the hotkey for pasting copied text?

What is the hotkey for cutting selected text?

What is the hotkey for undoing the last action?

What is the hotkey for redoing the last undone action?

What is the hotkey for selecting all text?

What is the hotkey for opening the find and replace dialog?

What is the hotkey for saving a document?

What is the hotkey for closing a document or window?

What is the hotkey for opening a new document or window?

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