Flashcards on Impact of Social Media on Society

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What is social media?

Social media refers to online platforms and websites that allow users to create and share content, connect with others, and participate in virtual communities.

How has social media transformed communication?

Social media has revolutionized communication by enabling instant and widespread sharing of information, facilitating real-time interaction, and connecting people across geographical boundaries.

What are the positive impacts of social media on society?

Social media allows for increased connectivity, facilitates the spread of information and awareness, promotes social activism, and provides platforms for creative expression and community building.

What are the negative impacts of social media on society?

Social media can contribute to cyberbullying, privacy concerns, addiction, misinformation, and the amplification of fake news and unrealistic societal standards.

How does social media affect mental health?

Social media can have both positive and negative effects on mental health. It can provide support and a sense of belonging, but excessive usage and comparison can lead to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

What are some examples of social media platforms?

Popular social media platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok.

How does social media impact political engagement?

Social media has facilitated political engagement by providing a platform for information sharing, organizing social movements, and allowing individuals to voice their opinions and participate in discussions.

What are the economic impacts of social media?

Social media has created new job opportunities, transformed marketing and advertising strategies, and influenced consumer behavior and purchasing decisions.

How does social media influence relationships?

Social media can enhance relationship connectivity and communication, but it can also lead to issues like jealousy, privacy invasion, and the blurring of personal and online identities.

What are some ethical considerations related to social media?

Ethical concerns include privacy breaches, online harassment, spreading of misinformation, data mining, targeted advertising, and the manipulation of user behavior and opinions.

How can individuals mitigate the negative impacts of social media?

Individuals can limit screen time, practice digital detox, carefully select their online connections and content, promote critical thinking, and prioritize in-person interactions.

What role does social media play in shaping cultural trends?

Social media has become a powerful platform for cultural expression, influencing fashion trends, music, art, and shaping popular culture on a global scale.

How does social media impact privacy?

Social media poses privacy risks such as data breaches, identity theft, and the collection and sharing of personal information without consent.

What are some strategies to promote positive digital citizenship?

Strategies include respecting others online, practicing digital empathy, being cautious about sharing personal information, avoiding cyberbullying, and critically evaluating online content.

How has social media influenced news consumption?

Social media has changed the way news is consumed, allowing for personalized news feeds, instant updates, and a decline in reliance on traditional media sources.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is social media?

Which of the following is a positive impact of social media on society?

What are some negative impacts of social media on society?

How does social media affect mental health?

Which of the following platforms is NOT a social media platform?

How has social media impacted political engagement?

What are the economic impacts of social media?

How does social media influence relationships?

What are some ethical considerations related to social media?

What can individuals do to mitigate the negative impacts of social media?

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