Flashcards on Incorporations in Sentences

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What are insertions and incorporated constructions in sentences?

They are words, phrases, or sentences that are not directly related to other parts of the sentence, expressing the speaker's personal attitude towards the expressed thought.

What is the main characteristic of insertions and incorporated constructions in sentences?

They do not convey new information, simply provide different shades to the main message.

How do insertions and incorporated constructions express certainty or uncertainty?

Words like 'definitely, perhaps, probably, likely' are used to show confidence or doubt in the statement made.

What is the purpose of insertions that indicate the source of information?

They refer to the origin of the information or opinions, such as 'they say, according to, in my opinion.'

How do insertions express satisfaction or dissatisfaction?

They show emotions like approval or disapproval, for example, 'fortunately, unfortunately, much to my dismay.'

What is the role of insertions that attract the listener's attention?

These insertions engage the listener or reader, like 'listen, imagine, pay attention.'

What is the function of insertions that indicate the order of thoughts?

They signal the sequence of ideas or connections between them, for instance, 'firstly, secondly, finally.'

Are insertions in sentences considered as part of the sentence structure?

No, insertions are not parts of the sentence and do not answer any question in the sentence.

Do insertions provide additional semantic meaning to the sentence or its parts?

Yes, insertions add a specific connotation regarding the semantics of the whole sentence or a specific part.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the main characteristic of insertions and incorporated constructions in sentences?

How do insertions express certainty or uncertainty?

What is the function of insertions that indicate the order of thoughts?

Are insertions in sentences considered as part of the sentence structure?

What is the role of insertions that attract the listener's attention?

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