Flashcards on Iran-Contra Affair

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What was the Iran-Contra Affair?

A political scandal in the United States in the 1980s involving secret arms sales to Iran and the diversion of the proceeds to support Nicaraguan Contras.

Who were the key figures involved in the Iran-Contra Affair?

Oliver North, John Poindexter, and Ronald Reagan

What was the purpose of the secret arms sales to Iran?

To secure the release of American hostages held in Lebanon.

What were the Contras?

The Contras were anti-communist rebel groups in Nicaragua.

Who approved the Iran-Contra operations?

President Ronald Reagan

What were the consequences of the Iran-Contra Affair?

Several officials were indicted and convicted, tarnishing the Reagan administration's reputation.

Which congressional committee investigated the Iran-Contra Affair?

The United States Congress Committee formed by the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives

What role did Oliver North play in the Iran-Contra Affair?

Oliver North was the key coordinator of the covert arms sales to Iran and the diversion of funds to the Contras.

When did the Iran-Contra Affair come to light?

It was exposed in November 1986.

What caused public outrage during the Iran-Contra Affair?

The revelation that the Reagan administration had violated its own policies and laws.

How did the Iran-Contra Affair impact U.S. foreign policy?

It damaged the credibility of the United States and its ability to negotiate with other countries.

What was the nickname given to the Iran-Contra scandal?

The Iran-Contra scandal was often referred to as the 'arms for hostages' scandal.

What role did the National Security Council play in the Iran-Contra Affair?

The National Security Council staff coordinated and oversaw the covert operations.

Did President Ronald Reagan admit to wrongdoing in the Iran-Contra Affair?

President Reagan denied knowledge of the illegal activities and expressed regret for the arms sales.

How were the funds diverted to the Contras in the Iran-Contra Affair?

The profits from arms sales to Iran were funneled through secret bank accounts.


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Test Your Knowledge

Who were the key figures involved in the Iran-Contra Affair?

What caused public outrage during the Iran-Contra Affair?

What was the purpose of the secret arms sales to Iran?

Which congressional committee investigated the Iran-Contra Affair?

When did the Iran-Contra Affair come to light?

What was the nickname given to the Iran-Contra scandal?

What role did the National Security Council play in the Iran-Contra Affair?

Did President Ronald Reagan admit to wrongdoing in the Iran-Contra Affair?

What were the consequences of the Iran-Contra Affair?

How did the Iran-Contra Affair impact U.S. foreign policy?

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