Flashcards on Italian Pronunciations

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How is 'ciao' pronounced in Italian?

It is pronounced 'chao' in Italian.

What is the proper pronunciation of 'buongiorno'?

It is pronounced as 'bwohn-jor-noh' in Italian.

How do you pronounce 'pizza' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'peet-sa' in Italian.

What is the correct way to pronounce 'grazie' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'graht-see-eh' in Italian.

How do you pronounce 'tagliatelle' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'tah-lyah-tehl-leh' in Italian.

What is the proper pronunciation of 'lasagna' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'luh-zahn-yuh' in Italian.

How do you pronounce 'fiore' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'fee-oh-reh' in Italian.

What is the correct way to pronounce 'spaghetti' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'spah-geh-tee' in Italian.

How is 'gnocchi' pronounced in Italian?

It is pronounced 'nyoh-kee' in Italian.

What is the proper pronunciation of 'caprese'?

It is pronounced as 'kah-preh-zeh' in Italian.

How do you pronounce 'fettuccine' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'feh-too-chee-neh' in Italian.

What is the correct pronunciation of 'bruschetta' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'broo-skeh-tah' in Italian.

How is 'prosciutto' pronounced in Italian?

It is pronounced 'proh-shoo-toh' in Italian.

What is the proper way to pronounce 'ricotta' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'rih-coh-tah' in Italian.

How do you pronounce 'parmigiana' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'par-mee-jahn-uh' in Italian.

How is 'ciao' pronounced in Italian?

It is pronounced 'chao' in Italian.

What is the proper pronunciation of 'buongiorno'?

It is pronounced as 'bwohn-jor-noh' in Italian.

How do you pronounce 'pizza' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'peet-sa' in Italian.

What is the correct way to pronounce 'grazie' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'graht-see-eh' in Italian.

How do you pronounce 'tagliatelle' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'tah-lyah-tehl-leh' in Italian.

What is the proper pronunciation of 'lasagna' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'luh-zahn-yuh' in Italian.

How do you pronounce 'fiore' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'fee-oh-reh' in Italian.

What is the correct way to pronounce 'spaghetti' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'spah-geh-tee' in Italian.

How is 'gnocchi' pronounced in Italian?

It is pronounced 'nyoh-kee' in Italian.

What is the proper pronunciation of 'caprese'?

It is pronounced as 'kah-preh-zeh' in Italian.

How do you pronounce 'fettuccine' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'feh-too-chee-neh' in Italian.

What is the correct pronunciation of 'bruschetta' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'broo-skeh-tah' in Italian.

How is 'prosciutto' pronounced in Italian?

It is pronounced 'proh-shoo-toh' in Italian.

What is the proper way to pronounce 'ricotta' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'rih-coh-tah' in Italian.

How do you pronounce 'parmigiana' in Italian?

It is pronounced 'par-mee-jahn-uh' in Italian.


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