Flashcards on Laps

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What is the definition of laps?

To fold or lay over (something) so as to cover or partly cover it.

How do you use the word laps in a sentence?

She laps her arm around my waist.

What part of speech is laps?

Laps can be used as a verb or a noun.

What is a synonym for laps?

Cover, overlay, fold, drape.

What is an antonym for laps?

Expose, reveal, uncover

What is the opposite of laps in terms of swimming?


What is a lap belt used for?

A safety belt that goes across the lap in a vehicle.

What is the difference between laps and layers?

Laps involve folding or covering something, while layers involve stacking or placing multiple things on top of each other.

What is a lap joint?

A joint made by overlapping two pieces of material and fastening them together.

What does the phrase 'laps of luxury' mean?

A situation or experience of extreme comfort or indulgence.

What is a lap desk?

A portable writing desk with a flat top and usually a sloping front.

What does lap siding refer to?

A type of siding used in construction that has overlapping boards or planks.

What is the origin of the word laps?

Laps comes from the Middle English word 'lappen' which means to wrap or fold.

What is a lap cat?

A cat that enjoys being held or sitting in someone's lap.

What is a lap timer used for?

A device used to measure the time it takes to complete a lap of a race track or other course.

What is the definition of laps?

To fold or lay over (something) so as to cover or partly cover it.

How do you use the word laps in a sentence?

She laps her arm around my waist.

What part of speech is laps?

Laps can be used as a verb or a noun.

What is a synonym for laps?

Cover, overlay, fold, drape.

What is an antonym for laps?

Expose, reveal, uncover

What is the opposite of laps in terms of swimming?


What is a lap belt used for?

A safety belt that goes across the lap in a vehicle.

What is the difference between laps and layers?

Laps involve folding or covering something, while layers involve stacking or placing multiple things on top of each other.

What is a lap joint?

A joint made by overlapping two pieces of material and fastening them together.

What does the phrase 'laps of luxury' mean?

A situation or experience of extreme comfort or indulgence.

What is a lap desk?

A portable writing desk with a flat top and usually a sloping front.

What does lap siding refer to?

A type of siding used in construction that has overlapping boards or planks.

What is the origin of the word laps?

Laps comes from the Middle English word 'lappen' which means to wrap or fold.

What is a lap cat?

A cat that enjoys being held or sitting in someone's lap.

What is a lap timer used for?

A device used to measure the time it takes to complete a lap of a race track or other course.


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