Flashcards on Literary Devices

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What is a metaphor?

A figure of speech that compares two unrelated things

What is personification?

Attributing human characteristics to non-human objects

What is alliteration?

Repetition of the same sound at the beginning of words in a sentence

What is irony?

A contrast between expectations and reality

What is a simile?

A figure of speech that compares two things using 'like' or 'as'

What is hyperbole?

Exaggeration for emphasis or dramatic effect

What is foreshadowing?

A warning or indication of a future event

What is imagery?

Using descriptive language to create sensory experiences

What is onomatopoeia?

Words that imitate or suggest the sound they describe

What is symbolism?

Using objects or actions to represent abstract ideas or qualities

What is a paradox?

A statement that contradicts itself but may be true

What is a flashback?

A scene set in an earlier time to provide context or background

What is dramatic irony?

When the audience knows more than the characters in a story

What is repetition?

Repeating a word, phrase, or idea for emphasis

What is an allegory?

A story or poem that has a hidden meaning


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Test Your Knowledge

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What literary device is used in the phrase 'bouncing baby boy'?

Which literary device is used in the sentence 'The silence was a deafening roar'?

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