Flashcards on Literary Devices: Metonymy

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What is metonymy?

A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is used to represent something closely associated with it.

Give an example of metonymy.

The pen is mightier than the sword.

What does 'the crown' represent in the phrase 'The crown issued a statement'?

The monarchy or the government

What is the purpose of using metonymy in literature?

To create emphasis, add variety, or evoke specific associations.

What is a common metonymy used for the news media?

The press or media

What does 'the White House' represent in the phrase 'The White House declared a state of emergency'?

The U.S. government or the President

What is the difference between metonymy and synecdoche?

Metonymy uses a related word or phrase, while synecdoche uses a part to represent a whole.

What does 'the pen' represent in the phrase 'The pen is mightier than the sword'?

Writing or literature

Give an example of metonymy in everyday speech.

I need to get my wheels aligned. (wheels represent car)

What does 'the crown' represent in the phrase 'The queen attends the crown'?

The royal family or the queen

What is the effect of using metonymy in poetry?

It can create vivid imagery and evoke specific emotions.

What does 'the silver screen' represent in the phrase 'He aspired to be on the silver screen'?

The film industry or movies

What is a common metonymy used for economic power?

Wall Street

What does 'the pen' represent in the phrase 'The pen is mightier than the sword'?

Writing or literature

Give an example of metonymy in literature.

The suits were not pleased with the decision. (suits represent executives or people in authority)


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the purpose of using metonymy in literature?

Which word represents metonymy in the phrase 'The pen is mightier than the sword'?

What does 'the press' represent in the phrase 'The press reported on the scandal'?

What is the difference between metonymy and synecdoche?

What does 'the crown' represent in the phrase 'The crown issued a statement'?

What is a common metonymy used for the film industry?

In the phrase 'He aspired to be on Wall Street', what does 'Wall Street' represent?

Which of the following phrases uses metonymy?

What does 'the suits' represent in the phrase 'The suits were not pleased with the decision'?

What is the effect of using metonymy in poetry?

What does 'the crown' represent in the phrase 'The queen attends the crown'?

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