Flashcards on Mother

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Who is your mother?

My mother is the person who gave birth to me.

What is another word for mother?

Mom, Mama, Mum, Ma

What is the role of a mother in a family?

The role of a mother is to take care of her children and provide them with love, support, and guidance.

What is the celebration of mother called?

Mother's Day

Who is the mother of Harry Potter?

Lily Potter

What is a mother's love called?

Unconditional love

What is the role of a stepmother?

The role of a stepmother is to form a bond and relationship with her stepchildren, provide them emotional support, and show love to them.

What is the most important thing a mother can provide for her child?


What is a mother's job?

A mother's job is to be a nurturer, caregiver, and educator to her children.

What is the difference between a biological mother and an adoptive mother?

A biological mother gives birth to a child, while an adoptive mother becomes the legal parent of a child through adoption.

What is a working mother?

A working mother is a mother who has a paid job outside of the home while still fulfilling her responsibilities as a parent.

What is a stay-at-home mother?

A stay-at-home mother is a mother who chooses to stay at home to take care of her children instead of pursuing a professional career.

What is a mother's role in infant development?

A mother's role is crucial in infant development, providing love, comfort and basic needs for babies in their early years.

What is a mother's role in child's emotional development?

A mother plays a significant role in building her child's emotional intelligence and providing security, and support to her child.

What is a mother's role in her child's success?

A mother's love and support can greatly influence her child's success in life.

Who is your mother?

My mother is the person who gave birth to me.

What is another word for mother?

Mom, Mama, Mum, Ma

What is the role of a mother in a family?

The role of a mother is to take care of her children and provide them with love, support, and guidance.

What is the celebration of mother called?

Mother's Day

Who is the mother of Harry Potter?

Lily Potter

What is a mother's love called?

Unconditional love

What is the role of a stepmother?

The role of a stepmother is to form a bond and relationship with her stepchildren, provide them emotional support, and show love to them.

What is the most important thing a mother can provide for her child?


What is a mother's job?

A mother's job is to be a nurturer, caregiver, and educator to her children.

What is the difference between a biological mother and an adoptive mother?

A biological mother gives birth to a child, while an adoptive mother becomes the legal parent of a child through adoption.

What is a working mother?

A working mother is a mother who has a paid job outside of the home while still fulfilling her responsibilities as a parent.

What is a stay-at-home mother?

A stay-at-home mother is a mother who chooses to stay at home to take care of her children instead of pursuing a professional career.

What is a mother's role in infant development?

A mother's role is crucial in infant development, providing love, comfort and basic needs for babies in their early years.

What is a mother's role in child's emotional development?

A mother plays a significant role in building her child's emotional intelligence and providing security, and support to her child.

What is a mother's role in her child's success?

A mother's love and support can greatly influence her child's success in life.


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