Flashcards on Nitrogen Cycle

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What is nitrogen fixation?

The process by which certain bacteria convert nitrogen gas into ammonia.

What is denitrification?

The process by which bacteria convert nitrates back into nitrogen gas.

What role do plants play in the nitrogen cycle?

Plants absorb nitrogen from the soil to help them grow.

What happens during nitrification?

Ammonia is converted to nitrites, then to nitrates by bacteria.

How do animals contribute to the nitrogen cycle?

Animals release nitrogen compounds through waste and decomposition.

What is the importance of nitrogen in living organisms?

Nitrogen is essential for the production of proteins and DNA.

Explain the process of ammonification.

Decomposers break down organic matter to release ammonia.

Describe the role of lightning in the nitrogen cycle.

Lightning converts nitrogen gas to nitrate, which plants can absorb.

What are some human activities that impact the nitrogen cycle?

Fertilizer use and burning of fossil fuels contribute to nitrogen pollution.

How does excess nitrogen in ecosystems lead to environmental issues?

It can cause algal blooms, water pollution, and harm to aquatic life.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the process by which certain bacteria convert nitrogen gas into ammonia?

What is the main role of plants in the nitrogen cycle?

Which process involves converting ammonia to nitrites and then to nitrates?

What occurs during the process of denitrification?

How do animals contribute to the nitrogen cycle?

Why is nitrogen important for living organisms?

What is the process where decomposers break down organic matter to release ammonia?

How does lightning contribute to the nitrogen cycle?

What are some human activities that impact the nitrogen cycle?

Why does excess nitrogen in ecosystems lead to environmental issues?

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