Flashcards on Organic Reaction Mechanisms

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What is a reaction mechanism?

The step-by-step sequence of elementary reactions by which an overall chemical change occurs.

What is the purpose of studying reaction mechanisms in organic chemistry?

To understand how and why a reaction occurs, which helps in predicting and controlling the outcome.

What is an elementary reaction?

A single step in a reaction mechanism that involves the collision of reactant molecules or ions.

What is a nucleophile?

An electron-rich species that donates a pair of electrons to form a new covalent bond.

What is an electrophile?

An electron-deficient species that accepts a pair of electrons to form a new covalent bond.

What is a leaving group?

An atom or a group of atoms that can dissociate from a molecule, taking electron density with it.

What is a substitution reaction?

A reaction in which an atom or a group of atoms is replaced by a different atom or group of atoms.

What is an elimination reaction?

A reaction in which elements of a molecule are removed, resulting in the formation of a pi bond.

What is an addition reaction?

A reaction in which two molecules combine to form a single new molecule with no atoms lost.

What is a rearrangement reaction?

A reaction in which the atoms of a molecule are rearranged to form a new structure.

What is an intermediate in a reaction mechanism?

A molecular entity that is formed during a reaction and reacts further to give the final products.

What is a catalyst in a reaction?

A substance that increases the rate of a reaction by providing an alternative reaction pathway.

What is a concerted reaction?

A reaction in which all bond-breaking and bond-forming steps occur simultaneously.

What is a radical in organic chemistry?

A free, highly reactive species with an unpaired electron.

What is resonance in organic chemistry?

The delocalization of electrons in a molecule, represented by the use of resonance structures.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which of the following describes a reaction mechanism?

Why is it important to study reaction mechanisms in organic chemistry?

What is a nucleophile?

What is an electrophile?

What happens in an addition reaction?

Which of the following describes a substitution reaction?

What is an intermediate in a reaction mechanism?

What is a catalyst in a reaction?

What is a concerted reaction?

What does resonance represent in organic chemistry?

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