Flashcards on Photoelectric Effect

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What is the Photoelectric Effect?

The emission of electrons from a material when light shines on it.

Who discovered the Photoelectric Effect?

Albert Einstein

What is the threshold frequency in the context of the Photoelectric Effect?

The minimum frequency of light required to eject electrons from a material.

What happens to the kinetic energy of photoelectrons as the frequency of incident light increases?

The kinetic energy of photoelectrons increases.

What is the stopping potential in the context of the Photoelectric Effect?

The voltage required to stop the flow of photoelectrons.

What is the photoelectric current?

The current of ejected photoelectrons when light shines on a material.

What is the work function of a material?

The minimum amount of energy required to remove an electron from the material's surface.

What is the equation that describes the Photoelectric Effect?

E = hf - Φ

What does 'E' represent in the equation E = hf - Φ?

Energy of the ejected electron

What does 'f' represent in the equation E = hf - Φ?

Frequency of the incident light

What does 'Φ' represent in the equation E = hf - Φ?

Work function of the material

How does the intensity of light affect the number of ejected photoelectrons?

The intensity of light determines the number of ejected photoelectrons.

What is the relationship between the wavelength of light and the Photoelectric Effect?

The wavelength of light is inversely proportional to the energy of the ejected photoelectrons.

What are some practical applications of the Photoelectric Effect?

Solar cells, photodiodes, and photoelectric sensors.

What phenomenon did the Photoelectric Effect help explain?

The particle-like behavior of light, known as photons.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the Photoelectric Effect?

Who discovered the Photoelectric Effect?

What is the work function of a material?

What happens to the kinetic energy of photoelectrons as the frequency of incident light increases?

What is the equation that describes the Photoelectric Effect?

How does the intensity of light affect the number of ejected photoelectrons?

What is the relationship between the wavelength of light and the Photoelectric Effect?

What is the stopping potential in the context of the Photoelectric Effect?

What is the threshold frequency in the context of the Photoelectric Effect?

What phenomenon did the Photoelectric Effect help explain?

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