Flashcards on Plant Structure and Function

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What is the main function of the roots in a plant?

Absorbing water and nutrients from the soil

What is the function of the xylem in a plant?

Transporting water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant

What is the function of the phloem in a plant?

Transporting sugars produced during photosynthesis to other parts of the plant

What is the primary function of leaves in a plant?

Conducting photosynthesis to produce food for the plant

What is the structure responsible for gas exchange in leaves?


What is the function of flowers in a plant?

Reproduction by producing seeds

What is the role of stems in a plant?

Supporting the plant and transporting water and nutrients

What is the purpose of the cuticle on the surface of leaves?

Reducing water loss through evaporation

What is the function of the stomata in plant leaves?

Regulating gas exchange and water vapor loss

What are the male reproductive parts of a flower called?


What are the female reproductive parts of a flower called?


Where does photosynthesis occur in plant cells?


What is the function of the guard cells in stomata?

Controlling the opening and closing of stomata

What is the purpose of the root hairs in plants?

Increasing the surface area for absorption of water and nutrients

What is the specialized tissue responsible for the transport of sugars in a plant?



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Test Your Knowledge

Which plant structure is responsible for conducting photosynthesis?

What is the primary function of roots in a plant?

Which plant tissue is responsible for transporting water and minerals from the roots?

What is the function of the stomata in plant leaves?

What is the purpose of the cuticle on the surface of leaves?

Which part of a plant is responsible for reproduction?

What is the role of stems in a plant?

What is the specialized tissue responsible for the transport of sugars in a plant?

Where does photosynthesis occur in plant cells?

What is the purpose of the root hairs in plants?

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