Flashcards on Properties of Oxides

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What is the chemical formula for carbon dioxide?


What type of oxides react with water to form acids?

Acidic oxides

Which gas is produced when metallic oxides react with acids?


What color does litmus paper turn when exposed to basic oxides?


Name a common oxide found in rust.

Iron oxide

Which oxides do not react with acids or bases?

Neutral oxides

What is the general formula for oxides?


Which type of oxides have properties of both basic and acidic oxides?

Amphoteric oxides

What do oxides generally react with to form salts?


Which oxide is commonly used in white paint?

Titanium dioxide

What happens to the pH level when basic oxides dissolve in water?

pH increases

What type of oxides react with bases to form salts?

Basic oxides

Which oxide is responsible for the greenhouse effect?

Carbon dioxide

What type of oxides react with water to form bases?

Basic oxides

Which oxide is commonly known as quicklime?

Calcium oxide


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Test Your Knowledge

What type of oxides react with bases to form salts?

What is the chemical formula for carbon dioxide?

Which oxide is commonly used in white paint?

What color does litmus paper turn when exposed to basic oxides?

Which type of oxides have properties of both basic and acidic oxides?

Which oxide is commonly known as quicklime?

What happens to the pH level when basic oxides dissolve in water?

What type of oxides react with water to form bases?

Which gas is produced when metallic oxides react with acids?

Which oxide is responsible for the greenhouse effect?

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