Flashcards on Reptiles

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What are reptiles?

Reptiles are cold-blooded animals that have scaly skin and lay eggs.

Name a characteristic of reptiles.

Reptiles have lungs instead of gills for breathing.

Give an example of a reptile.


How do reptiles regulate their body temperature?

Reptiles regulate their body temperature through external sources such as sunbathing.

Are all reptiles carnivorous?

No, some reptiles are herbivorous.

Do reptiles have a backbone?

Yes, reptiles have a backbone.

What is the largest reptile?

Saltwater crocodile

Can reptiles change their skin color?

Yes, some reptiles can change their skin color for camouflage.

How do reptiles reproduce?

Reptiles reproduce by laying eggs.

What is the lifespan of reptiles?

The lifespan of reptiles varies depending on the species but can range from a few years to several decades.

True or False: Reptiles are able to regenerate their lost limbs.


Do reptiles have a four-chambered heart?

No, reptiles have a three-chambered heart.

What is the purpose of scales in reptiles?

Scales in reptiles help to protect their bodies and prevent water loss.

Which sense is most developed in reptiles?

The sense of smell is most developed in reptiles.

How do reptiles move?

Reptiles move by crawling on their limbs or slithering on their belly.


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Test Your Knowledge

What are reptiles?

Which of the following is a reptile?

How do reptiles regulate their body temperature?

What type of heart do reptiles have?

True or False: All reptiles are carnivorous.

Can reptiles change their skin color?

How do reptiles reproduce?

Which reptile has the ability to fly?

What is the purpose of scales in reptiles?

Which sense is most developed in reptiles?

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