Flashcards on Scramble for Africa: Colonialism and Imperialism

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What was the Scramble for Africa?

The rapid colonization and division of Africa by European powers in the late 19th century.

Which European countries were major participants in the Scramble for Africa?

Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, and Spain.

What resources were European powers seeking in Africa?

Natural resources such as rubber, diamonds, gold, and ivory.

What were the impacts of colonialism in Africa?

Loss of independence, exploitation of resources, cultural disruption, and conflicts.

Who organized the Berlin Conference in 1884-1885?

Otto von Bismarck, the Chancellor of Germany.

What was the goal of the Berlin Conference?

To divide Africa among European powers and establish rules for colonization.

What territories in Africa remained independent during the Scramble for Africa?

Ethiopia and Liberia.

What were the long-term effects of colonialism in Africa?

Political instability, economic dependency, and lasting cultural impacts.

Who was Cecil Rhodes and what did he advocate for?

Cecil Rhodes was a British imperialist who advocated for British expansion in Africa.

What were some resistance movements against colonial rule in Africa?

The Maji Maji Rebellion in German East Africa and the Mau Mau Uprising in Kenya.

What were the motivations behind European colonization of Africa?

Economic interests, national competition, racism, and missionary zeal.

What role did technology play in facilitating European colonization of Africa?

Improved transportation, such as steamships and railways, made it easier for Europeans to navigate and control African territories.

What was the division of Africa like after the Scramble for Africa?

African territories were divided into colonies controlled by European powers, often disregarding ethnic and cultural boundaries.

What role did African leaders play during the Scramble for Africa?

Some African leaders resisted European colonization, while others collaborated or sought alliances.

How did the Scramble for Africa contribute to the start of World War I?

Competition and rivalries between European powers over African territories increased tensions and conflicts, eventually leading to the outbreak of World War I.


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Test Your Knowledge

Who organized the Berlin Conference in 1884-1885?

Which European countries were major participants in the Scramble for Africa?

What were the impacts of colonialism in Africa?

What was the goal of the Berlin Conference?

What territories in Africa remained independent during the Scramble for Africa?

What were the long-term effects of colonialism in Africa?

Who was Cecil Rhodes and what did he advocate for?

What were some resistance movements against colonial rule in Africa?

What role did technology play in facilitating European colonization of Africa?

What role did African leaders play during the Scramble for Africa?

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