Flashcards on Scratch Programming Basics

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What is Scratch?

Scratch is a visual programming language designed for beginners.

What is the purpose of Scratch?

The purpose of Scratch is to teach programming concepts and create interactive projects.

What are the main components of Scratch?

The main components of Scratch are scripts, sprites, and stages.

What is a sprite in Scratch?

A sprite is a character or object that can perform actions and interact with other sprites.

What are blocks in Scratch?

Blocks are puzzle-piece shapes that fit together to create scripts.

What is the scripting area in Scratch?

The scripting area is where you drag and snap blocks together to create scripts.

What is a stage in Scratch?

A stage is the background or setting of a Scratch project.

What is an event in Scratch?

An event is an action that triggers a script to start.

What is a variable in Scratch?

A variable is a named value that can change as the program runs.

What is a condition in Scratch?

A condition is a test that evaluates to either true or false.

What is the purpose of loops in Scratch?

Loops allow you to repeat blocks of code multiple times.

What is an if statement in Scratch?

An if statement allows you to execute code only if a certain condition is true.

What is a broadcast in Scratch?

A broadcast is a message sent to trigger an action in multiple sprites.

What is an extension in Scratch?

An extension is a feature that adds new blocks and functionality to Scratch.

What is remixing in Scratch?

Remixing is the process of modifying and sharing other people's Scratch projects.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which component of Scratch is used to create scripts?

What is the purpose of Scratch?

What are loops used for in Scratch?

What is a condition in Scratch?

What is an event in Scratch?

What is a variable in Scratch?

What is the purpose of an if statement in Scratch?

What is a broadcast in Scratch?

What is an extension in Scratch?

What is remixing in Scratch?

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