Flashcards on Spanish Inquisition and Expulsion of Jews

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What was the purpose of the Spanish Inquisition?

To maintain Catholic orthodoxy in Spain and eliminate heresy.

When did the Spanish Inquisition take place?


How were people accused of heresy during the Spanish Inquisition tried?

Through torture and secret courts.

What were the consequences of being convicted of heresy during the Spanish Inquisition?

Punishment could range from fines to execution.

Why were Jews targeted during the Spanish Inquisition?

They were seen as a threat to Catholicism and accused of practicing rituals incompatible with Catholic beliefs.

When did the expulsion of Jews from Spain occur?


Where were the expelled Jews forced to go?

Many migrated to Portugal, the Ottoman Empire, or North Africa.

What were the economic consequences of the expulsion of Jews from Spain?

Spain experienced a decline in skilled labor and economic activity.

What impact did the expulsion of Jews have on other European countries?

It led to an influx of Jewish refugees and influenced policies toward Jews in different regions.

How did the Spanish Inquisition and the expulsion of Jews contribute to the decline of Spain's power?

They caused a loss of intellectual diversity, economic setbacks, and weakened the country's social fabric.

What other groups were persecuted during the Spanish Inquisition?

Muslims, Protestants, and individuals accused of witchcraft were also targeted.

Which Spanish monarchs were responsible for establishing the Spanish Inquisition?

Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile.

What was the role of the Spanish Inquisition within the Catholic Church?

It was an institution under the authority of the Pope and operated as a manifestation of religious power.

Where were the Jewish converts to Christianity, known as conversos, targeted by the Inquisition?

They were subjected to scrutiny and accusations of practicing Judaism in secret.

How did the Enlightenment challenge the legacy of the Spanish Inquisition?

Enlightenment thinkers criticized the Inquisition's methods and emphasized the importance of individual rights.


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Test Your Knowledge

What was the purpose of the Spanish Inquisition?

When did the expulsion of Jews from Spain occur?

How were people accused of heresy during the Spanish Inquisition tried?

What were the consequences of being convicted of heresy during the Spanish Inquisition?

Why were Jews targeted during the Spanish Inquisition?

What impact did the expulsion of Jews have on other European countries?

Which Spanish monarchs were responsible for establishing the Spanish Inquisition?

What was the role of the Spanish Inquisition within the Catholic Church?

Where were the Jewish converts to Christianity, known as conversos, targeted by the Inquisition?

How did the Enlightenment challenge the legacy of the Spanish Inquisition?

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