Flashcards on The Age of Exploration: Discoveries and Consequences

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Who were the major European powers involved in the Age of Exploration?

Spain, Portugal, England, France, and the Netherlands.

Which explorer is credited with circumnavigating the world?

Ferdinand Magellan.

What were the motivations behind the Age of Exploration?

Desire for wealth, spreading Christianity, and gaining power and prestige.

What were the technological advancements that enabled exploration?

Caravel ships, compass, astrolabe, and improved cartography.

Which explorer is known for discovering the Americas?

Christopher Columbus.

What were the major consequences of the Age of Exploration?

Columbian Exchange, colonization, global trade, and cultural diffusion.

Which explorer reached India by sea?

Vasco da Gama.

What was the impact of the Age of Exploration on indigenous populations?

Many indigenous populations were decimated by disease, enslavement, and conflict.

Which European country had significant control over trade in Southeast Asia?

The Netherlands (Dutch).

What was the purpose of the Treaty of Tordesillas?

To divide the newly discovered lands outside Europe between Portugal and Spain.

What is the significance of the Cape of Good Hope in the context of the Age of Exploration?

It was a crucial milestone as it provided a sea route to Asia.

Which explorer discovered the sea route from Europe to Asia?

Bartolomeu Dias.

What was the primary goal of Spanish conquistadors in the Americas?

To acquire wealth and resources, especially gold and silver.

Which explorer is known for his voyages to Canada and North America?

John Cabot.

What role did the Renaissance play in the Age of Exploration?

The Renaissance stimulated curiosity, scientific innovation, and a spirit of exploration.

Which explorer is associated with the discovery of the Pacific Ocean?

Vasco Núñez de Balboa.

Who were the major European powers involved in the Age of Exploration?

Spain, Portugal, England, France, and the Netherlands.

Which explorer is credited with circumnavigating the world?

Ferdinand Magellan.

What were the motivations behind the Age of Exploration?

Desire for wealth, spreading Christianity, and gaining power and prestige.

What were the technological advancements that enabled exploration?

Caravel ships, compass, astrolabe, and improved cartography.

Which explorer is known for discovering the Americas?

Christopher Columbus.

What were the major consequences of the Age of Exploration?

Columbian Exchange, colonization, global trade, and cultural diffusion.

Which explorer reached India by sea?

Vasco da Gama.

What was the impact of the Age of Exploration on indigenous populations?

Many indigenous populations were decimated by disease, enslavement, and conflict.

Which European country had significant control over trade in Southeast Asia?

The Netherlands (Dutch).

What was the purpose of the Treaty of Tordesillas?

To divide the newly discovered lands outside Europe between Portugal and Spain.

What is the significance of the Cape of Good Hope in the context of the Age of Exploration?

It was a crucial milestone as it provided a sea route to Asia.

Which explorer discovered the sea route from Europe to Asia?

Bartolomeu Dias.

What was the primary goal of Spanish conquistadors in the Americas?

To acquire wealth and resources, especially gold and silver.

Which explorer is known for his voyages to Canada and North America?

John Cabot.

What role did the Renaissance play in the Age of Exploration?

The Renaissance stimulated curiosity, scientific innovation, and a spirit of exploration.

Which explorer is associated with the discovery of the Pacific Ocean?

Vasco Núñez de Balboa.


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