Flashcards on The Civilization of the Minoans

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Where did the Minoan civilization flourish?

On the island of Crete

What was the capital city of the Minoan civilization?


What unique writing system did the Minoans use?

Linear A

Which mythological figure is associated with the Minoan civilization?

The Minotaur

What was the main economic activity of the Minoans?


What colorful structures are the Minoans known for building?


What natural disaster is believed to have caused the decline of the Minoan civilization?

A volcanic eruption on Thera (Santorini)

Which ancient civilization was likely influenced by the Minoans?

Mycenaean civilization

Who discovered the Minoan civilization remains at Knossos?

Arthur Evans

What type of art are the Minoans known for?



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What was the capital city of the Minoan civilization?

Where did the Minoan civilization flourish?

What unique writing system did the Minoans use?

What colorful structures are the Minoans known for building?

What type of art are the Minoans known for?

Which ancient civilization was likely influenced by the Minoans?

Who discovered the Minoan civilization remains at Knossos?

What was the main economic activity of the Minoans?

What natural disaster is believed to have caused the decline of the Minoan civilization?

Which mythological figure is associated with the Minoan civilization?

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