Flashcards on The Holocaust and Genocides of the 20th Century

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What was the Holocaust?

The Holocaust was the systematic genocide of six million Jews by the Nazi regime during World War II.

Which group of people were primarily targeted during the Holocaust?

The primary targets of the Holocaust were Jews, although other groups such as Romani people, disabled individuals, and political dissidents were also targeted.

Who was the leader of Nazi Germany during the Holocaust?

Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany during the Holocaust.

What were concentration camps?

Concentration camps were prison camps established by the Nazi regime to imprison and exterminate groups of people deemed undesirable, such as Jews and political dissidents.

Which country was responsible for the systematic genocide of the Armenians during World War I?

The Ottoman Empire, which is present-day Turkey, was responsible for the systematic genocide of the Armenians during World War I.

What was the estimated number of deaths during the Holocaust?

The estimated number of deaths during the Holocaust is around six million Jews and millions of other victims.

Which other groups were targeted during genocides in Cambodia?

During the genocides in Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge regime targeted intellectuals, ethnic and religious minorities, and perceived political opponents.

What were the Nuremberg Trials?

The Nuremberg Trials were a series of military tribunals held after World War II to prosecute prominent leaders of Nazi Germany for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Which other genocides happened in Africa in the 20th century?

Other genocides in Africa in the 20th century include the genocides in Rwanda, Darfur, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

What was the purpose of the Final Solution?

The purpose of the Final Solution was to systematically exterminate all Jews in Nazi-occupied territories.

Which country experienced genocidal actions during the Khmer Rouge regime?

Cambodia experienced genocidal actions during the Khmer Rouge regime.

What was the role of Einsatzgruppen in the Holocaust?

Einsatzgruppen were mobile killing squads deployed by the Nazis to carry out mass shootings of Jews and other perceived enemies on the Eastern Front.

Which other groups were targeted during the Bosnian genocide?

During the Bosnian genocide, Bosnian Serb forces targeted Bosniak Muslims and Croatians.

What was the significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in relation to genocides?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was established in response to the atrocities of World War II, including the Holocaust, to ensure the protection of human rights and prevent future genocides.

Who coined the term 'genocide'?

Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-Jewish lawyer, coined the term 'genocide' in 1944.

What were the major causes that led to the Rwandan genocide?

The major causes that led to the Rwandan genocide were long-standing ethnic tensions between the Hutu majority and Tutsi minority, political instability, and the assassination of the Rwandan president.

What was the Holocaust?

The Holocaust was the systematic genocide of six million Jews by the Nazi regime during World War II.

Which group of people were primarily targeted during the Holocaust?

The primary targets of the Holocaust were Jews, although other groups such as Romani people, disabled individuals, and political dissidents were also targeted.

Who was the leader of Nazi Germany during the Holocaust?

Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany during the Holocaust.

What were concentration camps?

Concentration camps were prison camps established by the Nazi regime to imprison and exterminate groups of people deemed undesirable, such as Jews and political dissidents.

Which country was responsible for the systematic genocide of the Armenians during World War I?

The Ottoman Empire, which is present-day Turkey, was responsible for the systematic genocide of the Armenians during World War I.

What was the estimated number of deaths during the Holocaust?

The estimated number of deaths during the Holocaust is around six million Jews and millions of other victims.

Which other groups were targeted during genocides in Cambodia?

During the genocides in Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge regime targeted intellectuals, ethnic and religious minorities, and perceived political opponents.

What were the Nuremberg Trials?

The Nuremberg Trials were a series of military tribunals held after World War II to prosecute prominent leaders of Nazi Germany for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Which other genocides happened in Africa in the 20th century?

Other genocides in Africa in the 20th century include the genocides in Rwanda, Darfur, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

What was the purpose of the Final Solution?

The purpose of the Final Solution was to systematically exterminate all Jews in Nazi-occupied territories.

Which country experienced genocidal actions during the Khmer Rouge regime?

Cambodia experienced genocidal actions during the Khmer Rouge regime.

What was the role of Einsatzgruppen in the Holocaust?

Einsatzgruppen were mobile killing squads deployed by the Nazis to carry out mass shootings of Jews and other perceived enemies on the Eastern Front.

Which other groups were targeted during the Bosnian genocide?

During the Bosnian genocide, Bosnian Serb forces targeted Bosniak Muslims and Croatians.

What was the significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in relation to genocides?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was established in response to the atrocities of World War II, including the Holocaust, to ensure the protection of human rights and prevent future genocides.

Who coined the term 'genocide'?

Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-Jewish lawyer, coined the term 'genocide' in 1944.

What were the major causes that led to the Rwandan genocide?

The major causes that led to the Rwandan genocide were long-standing ethnic tensions between the Hutu majority and Tutsi minority, political instability, and the assassination of the Rwandan president.


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