Flashcards on University of Vermont

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When was the University of Vermont founded?


What is the official mascot of the University of Vermont?


In what city is the University of Vermont located?


What is the current enrollment of University of Vermont?


Which college is part of the University of Vermont?

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

What is the name of the library located on University of Vermont campus?

Bailey/Howe Library

What is the main sports conference of University of Vermont?

America East Conference

What is the official color of the University of Vermont?

Green and gold

What is the acceptance rate of University of Vermont?


What is the nickname of University of Vermont?


Which state is the University of Vermont located in?


What is the name of the student newspaper of University of Vermont?

The Vermont Cynic

What is the highest degree offered by the University of Vermont?


What is the student-faculty ratio of University of Vermont?


What is the name of the performing arts center of University of Vermont?

Royall Tyler Theatre

When was the University of Vermont founded?


What is the official mascot of the University of Vermont?


In what city is the University of Vermont located?


What is the current enrollment of University of Vermont?


Which college is part of the University of Vermont?

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

What is the name of the library located on University of Vermont campus?

Bailey/Howe Library

What is the main sports conference of University of Vermont?

America East Conference

What is the official color of the University of Vermont?

Green and gold

What is the acceptance rate of University of Vermont?


What is the nickname of University of Vermont?


Which state is the University of Vermont located in?


What is the name of the student newspaper of University of Vermont?

The Vermont Cynic

What is the highest degree offered by the University of Vermont?


What is the student-faculty ratio of University of Vermont?


What is the name of the performing arts center of University of Vermont?

Royall Tyler Theatre


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