Flashcards on World of Warcraft

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What year was World of Warcraft released?


What expansion pack raised the level cap to 80?

Wrath of the Lich King

What is the name of the continent where the game takes place?


What is the name of the organization that fights against the Horde?


What is the name of the starting zone for night elves?


What is the name of the pandaren starting zone?

Wandering Isle

What is the name of the last raid in the original World of Warcraft?


What is the name of the mount that drops from the Time-Lost Proto-Drake?

Reins of the Time-Lost Proto-Drake

What is the name of the dragon aspect that guards the Caverns of Time?


What is the name of the first raid in Mists of Pandaria?

Mogu'shan Vaults

What is the name of the legendary weapon that was obtainable during Wrath of the Lich King?


What is the name of the zone where the goblins and worgen starting areas are located?


What is the name of the final boss in Uldir?


What is the name of the zone where the Darkmoon Faire is located?

Darkmoon Island

What is the name of the faction that opposes the Alliance?


What year was World of Warcraft released?


What expansion pack raised the level cap to 80?

Wrath of the Lich King

What is the name of the continent where the game takes place?


What is the name of the organization that fights against the Horde?


What is the name of the starting zone for night elves?


What is the name of the pandaren starting zone?

Wandering Isle

What is the name of the last raid in the original World of Warcraft?


What is the name of the mount that drops from the Time-Lost Proto-Drake?

Reins of the Time-Lost Proto-Drake

What is the name of the dragon aspect that guards the Caverns of Time?


What is the name of the first raid in Mists of Pandaria?

Mogu'shan Vaults

What is the name of the legendary weapon that was obtainable during Wrath of the Lich King?


What is the name of the zone where the goblins and worgen starting areas are located?


What is the name of the final boss in Uldir?


What is the name of the zone where the Darkmoon Faire is located?

Darkmoon Island

What is the name of the faction that opposes the Alliance?



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